wHAT IS the Kelp Roots Program?

The Kelp Roots Program is a before/after school-based volleyball program in which professional volleyball coaches attend local schools and offer their coaching services to the next generation of athlete.

The program targets primary school aged athletes and acts as a great gateway into further club/state level opportunities, while also not forgetting what sport is all about… FUN!

What do the students do?

Students take part in group lessons with their peers, where they are given the opportunity to practice hand eye coordination, work on muscle strength and conditioning, as well as learn the fundamental skills and rules of volleyball.

To help us work toward this goal, we bring a range of tried and tested quality equipment with us that the students have full access to at each lesson.

The lessons are structured and we have a carefully regimented curriculum that we work to covering over the space of the school term and broader goals for longer participating athletes which we push for them to achieve over the course of the school year.

who can participate?

The Kelp Roots Program is aimed at primary school students from Grades 1 to 6.

how much does it cost

The program costs $165 for all 8 weeks!

when are the lessons?

Lessons run for 8 weeks of the school term, starting in Week 2 and running through until Week 9.

If your school runs a Kelp Roots program, the session times can be found when registering.

Mansfield State School: Wednesday 3.15pm - 4.15pm

Whites Hill State School: Tuesday 3.15pm - 4.15pm

Daisy Hill State School: Thursday 3.15pm - 4.15pm

Coolnwynpin State School: Thursday 3.15pm - 4.15pm

where do sessions run?

Mansfield State School SportS Hall

174 Ham Road, Mansfield QLD 4122

Whites Hill State School SportS HalL

138 Burn St, Camp Hill QLD 4152

Daisy Hill State School Outdoor eating area

20-50 Daisy Hill Rd, Daisy Hill QLD 4127

Coolnwynpin State School SportS HalL

6 Telaska Ct, Capalaba QLD 4157

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