Kelp Roots 

Find your love for Volleyball, through this introductory program for primary school-aged athletes!



The Kelp Roots Program is a before/after school-based volleyball program in which professional volleyball coaches attend local schools and offer their coaching services to the next generation of athletes.

The program targets primary school aged athletes and acts as a great gateway into further club/state level opportunities, while also not forgetting what sport is all about… FUN!

Students take part in group lessons with their peers, where they are given the opportunity to practice hand eye coordination, work on muscle strength and conditioning, as well as learn the fundamental skills and rules of volleyball.

The lessons are structured and we have a carefully regimented curriculum that we work to covering over the space of the school term and broader goals for longer participating athletes which we push for them to achieve over the course of the school year.

Kelp Roots Sneak Peek

About The Program

Kelp Roots is an incursion style program. This means we come to you! Sessions are currently only available for schools which have confirmed Kelp Roots programs available.

If you wish to register your school for a Kelp Roots program, you can make an enquiry below!

  • The Kelp Roots Program is aimed at primary school students from grades 1 to 6.

  • Either in the before school starts or after school finishes, the sessions run for 8 weeks of the school term.

    Starting in week 2 and running through until week 9.

  • If your school runs a Kelp Roots program, the session times can be found below.

    If you want your school to run a Kelp Root Program, submit an enquiry today!

  • The program costs $165 for all 8 weeks!

  • Attend the venue location, session day and time you have registered for and arrive a few minutes before the starting time to get your name marked off the roll.

  • Unfortunately due to certain rules and government regulations, Sharks Volleyball is not permitted to accept FairPlay Vouchers.

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Find your passion for volleyball at Kelp Roots! The leading introductory volleyball program in Queensland!

Contact us!

Are you a parent, guardian, teacher, or player and want a Kelp Roots at your school?

Submit an enquiry and we will work our magic to get this program for you!